Course Offerings  -  Fall 2018  
Show Term:    
Show only courses which: Fulfills UDWR Req.  Fulfills Pro Bono Req.  Are Tax LLM courses  Are Experiential courses Are Distance courses
(Days: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday   UPLER: U=UDWR (Upper Division Writing Requirement), P=Pro Bono, L=Tax LLM, E=Experiential, D=Distancee)
CRN  Subj-Crs/Sec  Professor  Title (notes)  U  Days  Time  Room  UPLER  Exam 
35242 LAWJ-4064/D1 Buckingham, Samantha Advanced Criminal Litigation Skills  (Limited to students in Juvenile Justice program) 1:10p-3:10p TAC No Exam 
35243 LAWJ-4064/D2 
Buckingham, Samantha
Advanced Criminal Litigation Skills  (Limited to students in Juvenile Justice program) 1:10p-3:10p FH126 No Exam 
35345 LAWN-4056/D1 Kowal, Jennifer Advanced Federal Tax Research and Planning 9:50a-11:50a B210 LE No Exam 
35295 LAWJ-4020/D1     (TBA) Advanced Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a B220  Take Home 
35422 LAWN-4075/D1 Pratt, Katherine
Aprill, Ellen
Advanced Tax Policy Colloquium 12:00p-2:00p G202 No Exam 
35263 LAWF-4065/E1 Friel, Alan Advertising Law 8:10p-10:10p G302  Take Home 
35312 LAWJ-3002/D1 Riordan, Thomas American Legal Research & Writing for Foreign Attorneys  (Available only to Foreign LLM students) MW 10:20a-11:50a C401  Paper 
35313 LAWJ-3002/D2 Riordan, Thomas American Legal Research & Writing for Foreign Attorneys  (Available only to Foreign LLM students) TR 3:20p-4:50p B220  Paper 
35423 LAWJ-4012/D1 Buhai, Sande Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 9:00a-12:00p C402 UE No Exam 
35253 LAWJ-4012/D2 Delfino, Rebecca Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 9:00a-12:00p G202 UE Paper 
35328 LAWJ-4012/D3 Tyler, Kim Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 9:00a-12:00p TAC UE Paper 
35240 LAWJ-4012/E1 Brandon, David Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p C403 UE Paper 
35287 LAWJ-4012/E2 Kennedy, Sean Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p C402 UE Paper 
35292 LAWJ-4012/E3 Ray, Alexander
Lavin, Luis
Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p C402 UE Paper 
35272 LAWJ-4012/E4 Gruzenski, Nairi Appellate Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p C402 UE Paper 
35379 LAWO-7068/01 Longo, Joseph Baseball Arbitration Competition Team 8:00a-10:00a FH126 Take Home 
35305 LAWH-4034/D1 Petherbridge, Lee Biological Foundations of Law - Single Semester 3:20p-5:20p FH126  No Exam 
35338 LAWH-4035/D1 Petherbridge, Lee Biological Foundations of Law - Yearlong 3:20p-5:20p FH126 No Exam 
35273 LAWA-4003/D1 Guttentag, Michael Business Associations  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 1:10p-3:10p H80  12/5/2018 
35274 LAWA-4003/E1 Guttentag, Michael Business Associations  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 6:00p-8:00p DH  12/5/2018 
35317 LAWA-4034/D1 Bettinger, Jon Business Planning I: Financing the Start-up Business and Venture Capital Financing  (Enrollment limited to 15 students) 8:50a-11:50a FH236 No Exam 
35327 LAWA-4034/D2 Voxman, William Business Planning I: Financing the Start-up Business and Venture Capital Financing  (Enrollment limited to 15 students) 5:00p-8:00p B220 No Exam 
35329 LAWA-4034/D3 Trevino, Shannon Business Planning I: Financing the Start-up Business and Venture Capital Financing  (Enrollment limited to 15 students) 1:10p-4:10p FH236 No Exam 
35306 LAWO-7021/E1 Poehls, Susan Byrne Trial Advocacy Team MW 6:00p-10:00p TAC No Exam 
35308 LAWO-7021/E2 Poehls, Susan Byrne Trial Advocacy Team  (For returning students only) MW 6:00p-10:00p C515 No Exam 
35271 LAWJ-4015/D1 Grossi, Simona California Civil Procedure: Practice & Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 3:20p-4:50p B240  12/7/2018 
35261 LAWJ-4015/E1     (TBA) California Civil Procedure: Practice & Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) 6:00p-8:00p C401  12/7/2018 
35451 LAWO-4091/10 Buhai, Sande Child Abuse Victim Testimony     -    - No Exam 
35250 LAWJ-4045/D1 Craig, Gary Civil Litigation Practice I  (Enrollment limited to 16 students) 5:00p-8:00p C403 Paper 
35251 LAWJ-4045/D2 Craig, Gary Civil Litigation Practice I  (Enrollment limited to 16 students) 8:50a-11:50a C403 Paper 
35319 LAWJ-4045/D3     (TBA) Civil Litigation Practice I  (Enrollment limited to 16 students) 5:00p-8:00p B210 Paper 
35178 LAWJ-1001/D1 Ides, Allan Civil Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 10:35a-11:50a H70  12/10/2018 
35183 LAWJ-1001/D2 Caplan, Aaron Civil Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 9:50a-11:20a DH  12/10/2018 
35184 LAWJ-1001/D3 Dudovitz, Aimee Civil Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 1:10p-2:10p MH  12/10/2018 
35185 LAWJ-1001/D4 Willis, Lauren Civil Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) WR 1:15p-2:45p DH  12/10/2018 
35197 LAWJ-1001/E1 Grossi, Simona Civil Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 8:10p-9:25p H70  12/10/2018 
35336 LAWC-4003/D1 Newman, Robert
Williams, Gary
Civil Rights Litigation Practicum  (Instructor approval required) TR 3:20p-5:20p BANNAN UPE Take Home 
35372 LAWJ-5001/01 Chroman, Kevin Collaborative Family Law Clinic     -    - PE No Exam 
35299 LAWJ-5003/D1 Miller, Eleanor Collateral Consequences of Convictions Project: Re-entry Clinic 1 or 2 2:50p-5:50p FH236 PE No Exam 
35370 LAWI-5001/01 Culbert, Mary Conciliation & Mediation Assistance Clinic at the Center for Conflict Resolution 1-4     -    - PE No Exam 
35246 LAWC-2003/D1 Caplan, Aaron Constitutional Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 3:20p-5:20p H70  12/11/2018 
35282 LAWC-2003/D2 Ides, Allan Constitutional Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 1:10p-3:10p B240  12/11/2018 
35238 LAWB-4024/D1 Borowitz, Barry
Clark, Michael
Consumer Bankruptcy Clinic I 5:30p-8:30p FH126 PE No Exam 
35186 LAWB-1001/D3 Hull, Bryan Contracts  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 3:20p-4:50p G102  12/6/2018 
35187 LAWB-1001/D4 Pratt, Katherine Contracts  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR
MH  12/6/2018 
35188 LAWB-1001/E1 Aragaki, Hiro Contracts  (Bar course - closed book exam) MWR 6:00p-7:40p G202  12/17/2018 
35280 LAWF-4003/D1 Hughes, Justin Copyright Law MW 1:10p-2:40p H80  Take Home 
35346 LAWN-4005/E1 Treiman, Michael Corporate Taxation I 6:00p-8:00p C401 Take Home 
35179 LAWD-1001/D1     (TBA) Criminal Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) TRF 10:00a-11:20a H70  12/18/2018 
35180 LAWD-1001/D2 Murray, Yxta Criminal Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 9:50a-11:50a DH  12/18/2018 
35181 LAWD-1001/D3 Levenson, Laurie Criminal Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 3:20p-5:20p DH  12/18/2018 
35182 LAWD-1001/D4 Ocen, Priscilla Criminal Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) MT 1:10p-3:10p G102  12/18/2018 
35196 LAWD-1001/E2 Goldman, Stanley Criminal Law  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 6:00p-8:00p G102  12/18/2018 
35300 LAWD-4007/D1 Miller, Eric Criminal Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 1:10p-3:10p H70  12/5/2018 
35326 LAWD-4007/E1 Strauss, Marcy Criminal Procedure  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 6:00p-8:00p H70  12/5/2018 
35311 LAWP-4018/E1 Richardson, Kim Cyber Security and Regulatory Compliance 8:10p-10:10p C401  12/19/2018 
35371 LAWI-5004/01 Culbert, Mary Dependency Court Mediation Assistance Clinic 1 or 2     -    - PE No Exam 
35258 LAWF-4004/E1 Dougherty, F. Entertainment Law MW 8:10p-9:40p B240  12/10/2018 
35383 LAWF-5001/01 Parrish, Grace Entertainment Law Placement Externship 1-3     -    - No Exam 
35316 LAWF-4013/E1 Rubin, Barbara Entertainment Law Practicum I 6:00p-8:00p R205 No Exam 
35387 LAWO-6022/01 Dougherty, F. Entertainment Law Review Editor     -    -  No Exam 
35392 LAWO-6021/01 Dougherty, F. Entertainment Law Review Staff     -    -  No Exam 
35349 LAWN-4003/D1 Annick, Nancy
Kaye, Ryan
Estate and Gift Taxation I 3:50p-5:50p B240 12/5/2018 
35239 LAWJ-2004/D1 Brain, Robert Ethical Lawyering  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 1:10p-2:40p G302  12/17/2018 
35245 LAWJ-2004/D2 Buhai, Sande Ethical Lawyering  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 1:10p-2:40p G302  12/17/2018 
35252 LAWJ-2004/D3 Delfino, Rebecca Ethical Lawyering  (Bar course - closed book exam) 9:00a-12:00p G302  12/17/2018 
35285 LAWJ-2004/D4     (TBA) Ethical Lawyering  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 3:20p-4:50p G302  12/17/2018 
35286 LAWJ-2004/D5 Kamita-Wakita, Jennifer Ethical Lawyering  (Bar course - closed book exam) WF 10:20a-11:50a G302  12/17/2018 
35301 LAWJ-2004/E1 Parrish, Grace Ethical Lawyering  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 6:00p-7:30p G302  12/17/2018 
35229 LAWG-4026/D1 Atik, Jeffery European Union Law MW 1:10p-2:40p FH126  Take Home 
35266 LAWJ-2003/D1 Gold, Victor Evidence  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 1:10p-3:10p MH  12/11/2018 
35267 LAWJ-2003/D2 Goldman, Stanley Evidence  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 3:20p-5:20p G102  12/11/2018 
35291 LAWJ-2003/E1 Lapp, Kevin Evidence  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 8:10p-10:10p DH  12/11/2018 
35290 LAWJ-4087/E1     (TBA) Evidence for Trial Lawyers 6:00p-8:00p R205 Take Home 
35270 LAWF-4056/D1 Greaves, Deborah Fashion Law 5:00p-8:00p MH  Take Home 
35324 LAWC-4022/D1 Strauss, Marcy First Amendment Survey  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 10:20a-11:50a G202  12/12/2018 
35232 LAWJ-4065/D1 Bakhshian, Susan
Boylan, Jean
Fundamentals of Bar Exam Writing  (Graded Pass/Fail) 1:00p-5:00p DH  No Exam 
35233 LAWJ-4065/E1 Boylan, Jean
Bakhshian, Susan
Fundamentals of Bar Exam Writing  (Graded Pass/Fail) 6:00p-10:00p MH  No Exam 
35277 LAWJ-4092/D1 Hawthorne, Christopher Fundamentals of Juvenile Post-Conviction and Sentencing Litigation  (Limited to students in JIFS clinic) MW 10:20a-11:50a FH126 PE Take Home 
35384 LAWJ-4092/D2 Hawthorne, Christopher Fundamentals of Juvenile Post-Conviction and Sentencing Litigation MW 10:20a-11:50a FH126 PE No Exam 
35235 LAWA-4040/D1 Atik, Jeffery Global Antitrust Law and Economics 3:20p-5:20p FH126  Take Home 
35330 LAWC-4036/E1 Trigilio, Joseph Habeas Corpus Litigation Seminar 6:00p-8:00p FH126  Take Home 
35298 LAWI-4052/E1 McCaffery, Robin Health Care Organizations: Business Planning and Regulatory Compliance 8:10p-10:10p G302  Take Home 
35363 LAWD-5001/01 Poehls, Susan Hobbs/Poehls District Attorney Externship     -    - No Exam 
35364 LAWD-5001/02 Poehls, Susan Hobbs/Poehls District Attorney Externship     -    - No Exam 
35365 LAWO-9003/01 Poehls, Susan Hobbs/Poehls District Attorney Seminar     -    - Paper 
35309 LAWJ-4119/D1 Poehls, Susan Hobbs/Poehls Trial Advocacy  (Admission by tryout for year-long program. Enrollment limited to 12 students) 1:00p-4:00p G202 No Exam 
35369 LAWG-5002/01 Montes, H. Marissa
Kim, Kathleen
Immigrant Justice Clinic Advanced 1-4     -    - PE No Exam 
35368 LAWG-5001/01 Kim, Kathleen
Montes, H. Marissa
Immigrant Justice Clinic I     -    - PE No Exam 
35288 LAWG-4067/D1 
Montes, H. Marissa

Kim, Kathleen
Immigrant Justice Clinic Seminar I 3:20p-5:20p C401 No Exam 
35303 LAWG-4017/E1 Nieblas, Victor Immigration Law MW 6:00p-7:30p G302  12/14/2018 
35353 LAWN-4010/E1 Weg, Geoffrey Income Tax Timing Issues 8:10p-10:10p C401 12/13/2018 
35348 LAWN-4038/D1 Kowal, Jennifer Income Tax Timing Issues/Property Transactions TR 9:50a-11:50a C401 12/10/2018 
35321 LAWN-4001/D1 Seto, Theodore Income Taxation I TR 9:50a-11:20a B210 12/7/2018 
35332 LAWN-4013/E1 Turanchik, Stephen Income Taxation of Property Transactions 6:00p-8:00p B210 Take Home 
35381 LAWO-7051/01 Sohbatian, Nareeneh Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition     -    - No Exam 
35388 LAWO-6032/01 Glazier, David International and Comparative Law Review Editor     -    -  No Exam 
35393 LAWO-6031/01 Glazier, David International and Comparative Law Review Staff     -    -  No Exam 
35341 LAWG-5003/01 Shah, Rajika International Human Rights Clinic  (Year long. Instructor approval required.) TR 11:00a-12:00p
PE No Exam 
35340 LAWG-4007/D1 Hansel, Mary International Protection of Human Rights TR 3:20p-4:50p G302 Paper 
35352 LAWN-4007/E1 Giordano-Lascari, Thomas
Lee, Alexander
International Taxation I 8:10p-10:10p G202 Take Home 
35283 LAWG-4033/D1 Hughes, Justin International Trade MW 3:20p-4:50p B210  Take Home 
35344 LAWP-4017/E1 Steele, David Internet Law 6:00p-8:00p R205  12/13/2018 
35265 LAWJ-3003/D1 Gold, Victor Introduction to American Law  (Available only to Foreign LLM students) 9:50a-11:50a B220  12/7/2018 
35264 LAWG-4060/D1 Glazier, David Introduction to International Law TR 3:20p-4:50p B210  12/12/2018 
35212 LAWJ-1044/D1A     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 1:10p-3:10p R205  No Exam 
35213 LAWJ-1044/D1B Der, Stephanie Introduction to Legal Research 1:10p-3:10p C402  No Exam 
35214 LAWJ-1044/D1C     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 1:10p-3:10p C403  No Exam 
35215 LAWJ-1044/D2A     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 1:10p-3:10p R205  No Exam 
35216 LAWJ-1044/D2B     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 1:10p-3:10p C402  No Exam 
35217 LAWJ-1044/D2C     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 1:10p-3:10p C403  No Exam 
35218 LAWJ-1044/D3A Cadra, Laura Introduction to Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a R205  No Exam 
35219 LAWJ-1044/D3B     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a C402  No Exam 
35220 LAWJ-1044/D3C     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a C403  No Exam 
35221 LAWJ-1044/D4A     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a R205  No Exam 
35222 LAWJ-1044/D4B     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a C402  No Exam 
35223 LAWJ-1044/D4C Der, Stephanie Introduction to Legal Research 9:50a-11:50a C403  No Exam 
35224 LAWJ-1044/E1A Cadra, Laura Introduction to Legal Research     -    -  No Exam 
35225 LAWJ-1044/E1B     (TBA) Introduction to Legal Research     -    -  No Exam 
35247 LAWJ-4008/D1 Cerveris, Steve Introduction to Negotiations  (Enrollment limited to 20 students) 9:50a-11:50a B240 Presentation 
35294 LAWJ-4008/E1 Levy, Leonard Introduction to Negotiations  (Enrollment limited to 20 students) 8:10p-10:10p B210 No Exam 
35236 LAWO-3095/D1 Berdejo, Carlos JSD Colloquium I MW 3:20p-4:50p JR  No Exam 
35402 LAWJ-4005/01 Delfino, Rebecca Judicial Process Field Placement 12:00p-1:00p    -  No Exam 
35241 LAWJ-4062/D1 Buckingham, Samantha Juvenile Delinquency Law and Procedure  (Limited to students in Juvenile Justice program) 1:10p-3:10p TAC
35385 LAWD-5002/01 Hawthorne, Christopher Juvenile Innocence & Fair Sentencing Clinic     -    - PE No Exam 
35386 LAWD-5003/01 Hawthorne, Christopher Juvenile Innocence & Fair Sentencing Clinic II 1-3     -    - No Exam 
35359 LAWD-5004/01 Buckingham, Samantha Juvenile Justice Clinic     -    - PE No Exam 
35360 LAWD-5005/01 Buckingham, Samantha Juvenile Justice Clinic II 1-4     -    - PE No Exam 
35453 LAWL-5001/D1 Leon, Diana
Goodman, Cassandra
Landlord Tenant Clinic I: Advocacy Basics 3:30p-5:30p FH126 PE No Exam 
35302 LAWH-4012/E1 Murray, Yxta Law and Literature 6:00p-8:00p BANNAN Paper 
35334 LAWF-4033/D1 Walton, Brian Law and Practice with the Hollywood Guilds TR 10:20a-11:50a G302  12/12/2018 
35293 LAWJ-1005/E2 Levinson, Jessica Law and Process: Privacy Torts  (Instructor approval required) MW 7:50p-9:50p B220  12/5/2018 
35281 LAWB-4002/E1 Hull, Bryan Law of Sales: Domestic and International  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 6:00p-7:30p B240  12/17/2018 
35275 LAWG-4049/D1 Glazier, David Law of War Seminar 5:00p-8:00p FH236 Paper 
35389 LAWO-6012/01 Hughes, Justin Law Review Editor     -    -  No Exam 
35391 LAWO-6011/01 Hughes, Justin Law Review Staff     -    -  No Exam 
35318 LAWJ-4026/D1     (TBA) Legal Drafting  (Enrollment limited to 20 students.) 1:10p-3:10p B210 UE Paper 
35342 LAWJ-4026/E1 King, David Legal Drafting  (Enrollment limited to 20 students.) 8:10p-10:10p B210 UE Paper 
35296 LAWJ-3011/E1 Lyons, Katherine Legal Methods: Writing & Analysis  (Limited to students in MLS program) 6:00p-8:00p B210  No Exam 
35198 LAWJ-1002/D1A     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 1:10p-3:10p B210  No Exam 
35199 LAWJ-1002/D1B Lyons, Katherine Legal Research and Writing 1:10p-3:10p B220  No Exam 
35200 LAWJ-1002/D1C Williams, Stephanie Legal Research and Writing 1:10p-3:10p B240  No Exam 
35201 LAWJ-1002/D2A Brain, Robert Legal Research and Writing 1:10p-3:10p B210  No Exam 
35202 LAWJ-1002/D2B     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 1:10p-3:10p B220  No Exam 
35203 LAWJ-1002/D2C     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 1:10p-3:10p B240  No Exam 
35204 LAWJ-1002/D3A Boylan, Jean Legal Research and Writing 9:50a-11:50a B210  No Exam 
35205 LAWJ-1002/D3B     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 9:50a-11:50a B220  No Exam 
35206 LAWJ-1002/D3C     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 9:50a-11:50a B240  No Exam 
35207 LAWJ-1002/D4A     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 9:50a-11:50a B210  No Exam 
35208 LAWJ-1002/D4B     (TBA) Legal Research and Writing 9:50a-11:50a B220  No Exam 
35209 LAWJ-1002/D4C Lyons, Katherine Legal Research and Writing 9:50a-11:50a B240  No Exam 
35210 LAWJ-1002/E1A Dudovitz, Aimee Legal Research and Writing 8:10p-10:10p B210  No Exam 
35211 LAWJ-1002/E1B Brain, Robert Legal Research and Writing 8:10p-10:10p B240  No Exam 
35337 LAWJ-4040/E1     (TBA) Legal Research for the Transactional Lawyer 6:00p-8:00p R205  No Exam 
35257 LAWJ-4041/D1 Der, Stephanie Legal Research Fundamentals for the Litigator 1:10p-3:10p R205  No Exam 
35228 LAWF-4050/E1 Ardalan, Joanna Litigating a Copyright Case Seminar 6:00p-8:00p FH126 UE Paper 
35331 LAWE-4014/D1 Trisolini, Katherine Local Governments and the Environment Seminar 1:10p-3:10p B220 Paper 
35248 LAWI-4016/E1 Costello, Jan Marital Property  (Bar course - closed book exam) 6:00p-8:00p H80  12/10/2018 
35255 LAWJ-4061/D1 Culbert, Mary Mediation - Classic & Litigation Models - Nuts & Bolts MW 3:20p-5:20p R205 No Exam 
35343 LAWJ-4053/E1 Campos, Sara Mediation Advocacy 8:10p-10:10p FH236 No Exam 
35415 LAWI-4066/D1 Costello, Jan Mental Disability Law Seminar 3:20p-5:20p C403 Paper 
35297 LAWA-4001/E1 Maynard, Therese Mergers and Acquisitions TR 6:00p-7:30p B240  12/7/2018 
35259 LAWF-4011/E1 Dougherty, F.
Robin, Jeffrey
Motion Pictures: Finance and Production Seminar TR 6:00p-8:00p C515 12/18/2018 
35382 LAWO-7017/01     (TBA) National Environmental Moot Court Competition     -    - No Exam 
35375 LAWJ-5002/01     (TBA) Ninth Circuit Appellate Clinic     -    - PE No Exam 
35347 LAWN-4008/E1 Kassan, Jared
Chu, Jessica
Partnership Taxation I 8:10p-10:10p C401 12/12/2018 
35403 LAWJ-4035/01 Parrish, Grace Private Field Placement 12:00p-1:00p    -  No Exam 
35339 LAWJ-4028/D1 Aragaki, Hiro Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution for Lawyers R
35191 LAWL-1001/D1 Trisolini, Katherine Property  (Bar course - closed book exam) 8:20a-10:20a G102  12/14/2018 
35192 LAWL-1001/D2 Petherbridge, Lee Property  (Bar course - closed book exam) MTW 8:00a-9:40a H70  12/14/2018 
35193 LAWL-1001/D3 Roberts, Florrie Property  (Bar course - closed book exam) TRF 1:10p-2:50p H70  12/14/2018 
35194 LAWL-1001/D4 Seto, Theodore Property  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 3:20p-4:35p H70  12/14/2018 
35195 LAWL-1001/E2 Seto, Theodore Property  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 6:00p-7:15p DH  12/14/2018 
35404 LAWJ-4038/01 Sargent, William Prosecutor's Process Field Placement 12:30p-1:30p    -  No Exam 
35405 LAWD-4040/01 Hawthorne, Christopher Public Defender's Process Field Placement 6:30p-7:30p    -  No Exam 
35406 LAWI-4090/01 Buhai, Sande Public Interest and Government Field Placement 12:30p-1:30p    -  No Exam 
35278 LAWJ-4016/D1 Hayden, Paul Remedies  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 9:50a-11:20a MH  12/19/2018 
35231 LAWJ-4016/E1 Bakhshian, Susan Remedies  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 6:00p-8:00p H70  12/19/2018 
35357 LAWG-5005/01     (TBA) Removal Defense in Immigration Court Externship     -    - PE No Exam 
35356 LAWG-4090/D     (TBA) Removal Defense in Immigration Court Practicum 3:20p-4:50p B220 No Exam 
35234 LAWJ-3015/D1 Berdejo, Carlos Research Methodology - JSD  (Non JSD students intereseted in enrolling please contact Professor Carlos Berdejo) MW 1:10p-2:40p JR  Take Home 
35373 LAWN-5003/01 Larkin, Michael Sales and Use Tax Clinic 1 or 2 9:00a-12:00p JR PLE No Exam 
35254 LAWO-7012/D1 Delfino, Rebecca Scott Moot Court Honors Board 12:00p-1:00p FH236 No Exam 
35421 LAWO-7012/E1 Delfino, Rebecca Scott Moot Court Honors Board F
35314 LAWL-4006/D1 Roberts, Thomas Secured Transactions in Real Property TR 3:20p-4:50p C402  12/19/2018 
35237 LAWA-4005/E1 Berdejo, Carlos Securities Regulation MW 6:00p-7:30p B220  12/11/2018 
35230 LAWP-4023/D1 Atik, Jeffery Smart Contracts & Financial Technology 1:10p-3:10p FH236  Paper 
35374 LAWN-5004/01     (TBA) State Income Tax Clinic 1 or 2 9:00a-12:00p C515 PLE No Exam 
35320 LAWI-4087/D1     (TBA) Street Law Teaching Practicum: Legal Life Skills for Domestic Violence Survivors 9:50a-11:50a BANNAN PE Presentation 
35227 LAWN-4045/D1 Pratt, Katherine
Aprill, Ellen
Tax Policy Colloquium  (Live Colloquium course - Instructor approval required) 12:00p-2:00p G202 No Exam 
35394 LAWN-4065/01 Aprill, Ellen
Pratt, Katherine
Tax Policy Colloquium  (Online Colloquium course - Instructor approval required)     -    - No Exam 
35350 LAWN-4017/E1 Demirjian, Nora Tax Practice and Procedure 6:00p-8:00p C401 Take Home 
35351 LAWN-4046/E1 Blanc, Ronald Tax Strategies for the Digital Economy 6:00p-8:00p FH126 12/19/2018 
35189 LAWK-1001/D1 Nockleby, John Torts  (Bar course - closed book exam) MTR 8:00a-9:40a G102  12/6/2018 
35190 LAWK-1001/D2 Hayden, Paul Torts  (Bar course - closed book exam) 9:50a-11:50a DH  12/6/2018 
35304 LAWK-4002/D1 Nockleby, John Torts II  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 1:10p-2:40p C401  12/7/2018 
35262 LAWK-4002/E1     (TBA) Torts II  (Bar course - closed book exam) 8:10p-10:10p C401  12/7/2018 
35335 LAWF-4040/D1 Walton, Brian Trade Secret Law 1:10p-3:10p C401  12/7/2018 
35315 LAWF-4005/D1     (TBA) Trademark Law TR 3:20p-4:50p G202  Take Home 
35284 LAWJ-4019/D1     (TBA) Trial Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 1:10p-4:10p C402 Take Home 
35244 LAWJ-4019/E1 Buckley, Daniel Trial Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p C403 No Exam 
35279 LAWJ-4019/E2 Hicks, Jamon Trial Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p G102 No Exam 
35333 LAWJ-4019/E4 Walker-Probst, Kristin Trial Advocacy  (Enrollment limited to 12 students) 6:00p-9:00p C402 No Exam 
35226 LAWL-4007/D1 Aprill, Ellen Trusts and Wills  (Bar course - closed book exam) MW 3:20p-5:20p H80  12/13/2018 
35322 LAWL-4007/E1 Sliskovich, Joseph Trusts and Wills  (Bar course - closed book exam) TR 6:00p-8:00p H80  12/13/2018 
35260 LAWD-4027/E1 Kirman, David
Farhat, Vince
White Collar Crime Seminar 6:00p-8:00p B220 12/12/2018 
35398 LAWI-4085/D1 Ochi, Nicole Worker's Rights Clinic 9:50a-11:50a FH126 No Exam 
35366 LAWC-5003/01 
Grant, Adam
Wrongful Conviction Clinic  (Year-Long. Limited to students in Project for the Innocent)     -    - PE No Exam 
35367 LAWC-5004/01 
Grant, Adam
Wrongful Conviction Clinic Advanced 1 or 2     -    - PE No Exam 
35307 LAWC-4004/D1 
Grant, Adam
Wrongful Conviction Seminar  (Year-Long. Limited to students in Project for the Innocent) 3:30p-5:30p R205 Take Home 
35323 LAWJ-4072/E1 Smith, Michael Youth Education Law and Practice  (Instructor approval required) 6:00p-8:00p TAC 12/6/2018 
35361 LAWD-5006/01 Smith, Michael Youth Justice Education Clinic I     -    - PE No Exam 
35362 LAWD-5007/01 Smith, Michael Youth Justice Education Clinic II  (For returning students only) 1 or 2     -    - No Exam 
(213 entries listed)