Course Offerings  -  Winter 2016  
Show Term:    
Show only courses which: Fulfills UDWR Req.  Fulfills Pro Bono Req.  Are Tax LLM courses  Are Experiential courses Are Distance courses
(Days: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday   UPLER: U=UDWR (Upper Division Writing Requirement), P=Pro Bono, L=Tax LLM, E=Experiential, D=Distancee)
CRN  Subj-Crs/Sec  Professor  Title (notes)  U  Days  Time  Room  UPLER  Exam 
60016 LAWW-4045/E1     (TBA) A Practical Guide to Starting a Successful Immigration Law Practice MTWR 6:00p-9:30p C402  
60015 LAWW-4034/E1 Delfino, Rebecca Advanced Writing and Revision Seminar MTWRF 6:30p-9:30p FH126  
60009 LAWW-4007/D1 Boylan, Jean Case Planning and Contract Drafting MTWR 1:30p-5:00p FH236  
60004 LAWW-4023/D1 Craig, Gary Deposition Workshop TWRF 9:00a-12:30p FH236  
60001 LAWW-4006/D1 Kowal, Jennifer Financial Basics for Lawyers MTWRF 1:30p-5:00p
60010 LAWW-4043/D1 Belser, Elizabeth Fundamentals of the Bar Exam: Intensive Essay Writing  (This course does not meet the Academic Success Program requirements.) MTWRF 1:30p-4:30p C401  
60013 LAWW-4037/E1 Agrawal, Rahul
Bakhshian, Susan
Fundamentals of the Bar Exam: MBE Workshop  (This course does not meet the Academic Success Program requirements.) MTWRF 6:00p-9:00p B240  
60011 LAWW-4024/D1 Romano, Cesare International Courts and Tribunals TWRF 9:00a-12:30p C401  
60002 LAWW-4038/D1 Berdejo, Carlos Introduction to Corporate Finance & Debt Contracting MTWRF 1:30p-5:00p
60008 LAWW-4033/D1 Buhai, Sande Lawyers and Social Media: Do's and Don'ts MTWR 1:30p-5:00p FH126  
60019 LAWJ-1003/E1 Cadra, Laura Legal Research for the Non-Lawyer MTWR 6:00p-9:30p R149  
60017 LAWW-4046/E1 Anthony, John Strategic Fact Development In Civil Litigation MTWR 6:00p-9:30p B210  
60018 LAWW-4042/D1     (TBA) Wrongful Convictions: Causes and Remedies MTWRF
(13 entries listed)