(LAWM-1011) - 3 UNITS
In the United States, thousands of governmental agencies exercise authority over the economy, and over the lives of each and every American. In short, we live in an administrative state. Administrative agencies represent a constitutionally marginal fourth branch of government upon which has been conferred broad regulatory powers, including, inter alia, the power to adjudicate, to make rules having the force of law, to give tremendous wealth to private parties through licensing decisions, and the power to prosecute individuals. Administrative Law is the study of the law that shapes, defines, and seeks to legitimate the powers of this fourth branch of government. It comprises a body of constitutional, statutory, and common law principles. This course critical examines these principles and administrative power. Among the topics included are: how agencies fit into our constitutionally defined governmental structure, where agency power comes from, the means by which agencies make policy, the procedures necessary for agency policymaking, and the judicial review of agency decision making.