(LAWI-4105) - 2 UNITS

This course examines and engages cutting-edge scholarship on race, law and inequality. In the first two weeks of the semester, students will be introduced to key theoretical insights from constitutional law, critical race theory, feminist legal theory, and queer legal theory, among others. Thereafter, the course will consist of weekly presentations and discussions of works-in-progress written by invited scholars of race and law. Occasionally, the colloquium will feature presentations from advocates and policymakers regarding their work on race and inequality.
Students are expected to carefully read presentation materials in advance of the weekly presentation, prepare and submit five written questions for each presenter, and seriously engage the invited scholar and their ideas. In addition, students are required to write four 8-10 page reaction papers over the course of the semester. Grades will be based on the reaction papers, written questions, and participation in weekly discussions.

Admission is by permission of the instructor. Student interested in enrolling in the colloquium should submit a brief letter, explaining why he or she is interested, to Professor Ocen. No more than twelve students will be admitted.

Satisfies Writing Requirement  

