(LAWD-5002) - 6 UNIT
The Juvenile Innocence & Fair Sentencing Clinic is a complete experience in post-conviction criminal defense, through the lens of juvenile post-conviction sentencing. Students prepare, file and litigate three types of claims: (1) re-sentencing claims for clients whose commitment offenses occurred when they were juveniles; (2) wrongful conviction actions for persons convicted as juveniles; and (3) youth offender parole hearings. Students represent incarcerated clients in Los Angeles Superior Court, the California and Federal Courts of Appeal, and the Board of Parole Hearings. All students engage in extensive client and witness interviewing and counseling, in-court litigation, drafting and filing of petitions and motions, hands-on investigation, and appellate advocacy. Students who complete the JIFS Clinic are in high demand for public defender post-bar clerkships; the depth of knowledge and commitment they gain is unique, even among law school clinics. The law of juvenile sentencing is undergoing constant change, and students work at the cutting edge of this law.
Co-requisite: Fundamentals of Juvenile Post-Convictions and Sentencing Litigation
Enrollment is competitive and by application only. Application information is available for registered Symplicity users (search job postings) and at http://bit.ly/howtoclinics