(LAWD-4010) - 3 UNITS
This course is designed for students with an interest in the practice of criminal law. Specifically, we will cover the major pretrial phases of criminal litigation. The course has three major components, all of which focus on the pretrial phase of the criminal practice. First, the course will offer in-class instruction regarding the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and federal statutes governing a criminal case including initial appearances, bail, formal charging, arraignment, pleas, discovery and investigation, and motions, up to the point of jury selection. Second, the course will provide opportunities for the development of litigation skills by having you prepare and argue various stages of pretrial litigation in a moot court setting. These may include bail arguments, client interviews, motions in limine and motions to suppress with evidentiary hearings. Third, the course will incorporate an experiential component in which you will have the opportunity to attend federal court hearings covering various aspects of the pretrial phase of criminal litigation and you will expected to attend one pretrial motion hearing in a real criminal case in federal court. A series of in-class exercises will be videotaped to be reviewed individually afterwards.